The company AI ZION LLC (AICyone, LLC) was founded in 2021 in the city of Omsk by a group of specialists and scientists in the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI). We are followers of the scientific school of Boris Nikolaevich Epifantsev (1939–2016), Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, leading scientist of Omsk. Epifantsev B.N. developed many scientific areas (remote biometric identification, detection of unauthorized access to product pipelines based on vibro-acoustic monitoring and visual control, information leakage protection systems, etc.), a feature of which is the use of Bayesian probabilistic inference networks to solve problems of data mining and non-destructive control. The ideas of Epifantsev B.N. served as the foundation for the creation of the Omsk scientific school of machine learning and were developed in the works of his students. At the moment, the scientific school is based at one of the leading universities in Russia, Omsk State Technical University (OMSTU), at the Department of Integrated Information Security (KIP), where active scientific work is carried out in the following main areas:
We realized that we needed a tool for scientific research that could combine all of these areas. This is how the AIConstructor project was born, within which we created a system for quickly testing hypotheses in the field of machine learning. Then we realized that this project represented something more than just a software package for research and created our own IT company. |
Sulavko AE. Highly reliable two-factor biometric authentication based on handwritten
and voice passwords using flexible neural networks. Computer Optics 2020; 44(1): 82-91.
DOI: 10.18287/2412-6179-CO-567
Vasiliev V.I., Sulavko A.E., Borisov R.V., Zhumazhanova S.S. Recognition of psychophysiological states of users based on hidden monitoring of actions in computer systems // Artificial intelligence and decision making. - 2017. - №. 3. - pp. 95-111.
Vasilyev V.I., Sulavko A.E., Zhumazhanova S.S., Borisov R.V. Identification of the Psychophysiological State of the User Based on Hidden Monitoring in Computer Systems // Scientific and Technical Information Processing. - December 2018, Volume 45, Issue 6, pp 398–410. doi:10.3103/S0147688218060096
Ivanov AI, Lozhnikov PS, Sulavko AE. Evaluation of signature verification reliability based on artificial neural networks, Bayesian multivariate functional and quadratic forms. Computer Optics 2017; 41(5): 765-774. DOI: 10.18287/2412-6179-2017-41-5-765-774
Epifantsev B.N., Zhumazhanova S.S. On the effect of the shape of a flaw on its detectability against noise background // Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2017. Т. 53. № 1. P. 62-70
Vasilyev V.I., Lozhnikov P.S., Sulavko A.E., Fofanov G.А., Zhumazhanova S.S. Flexible fast learning neural networks and their application for building highly reliable biometric cryptosystems based on dynamic features // IFAC-PapersOnLine. - Vol. 51, Issue 30, 2018, P. 527-532. doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2018.11.272
Lozhnikov P.S., Sulavko A.E., Samotuga A.E. Personal Identification and the Assessment of the Psychophysiological State While Writing a Signature. Information. 2015, № 6, p. 454-466. doi:10.3390/info6030454
Sulavko A.E., Volkov D.A., Zhumazhanova S.S., Borisov R.V. Subjects Authentication Based on Secret Biometric Patterns Using Wavelet Analysis and Flexible Neural Networks // 2018 XIV International Scientific-Technical Conference on Actual Problems of Electronics Instrument Engineering (APEIE). - Novosibirsk, Russia. IEEE. - October 2, 2018. - P. 218-227. doi:10.1109/APEIE.2018.8545676
Sulavko A.E. Bayes-Minkowski measure and building on its basis immune machine learning algorithms for biometric facial identification // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. - Vol. 1546. - IV International Scientific and Technical Conference "Mechanical Science and Technology Update" (MSTU-2020) 17-19 March, 2020, Omsk, Russian Federation. - doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1546/1/012103
Sulavko A.E., Zhumazhanova S.S., Stadnikov D.G. Identification of electroencephalogram images of computer system users when typing passphrases on the keyboard // Artificial intelligence and decision making. №. 2. - 2019. - pp. 15-27. DOI 10.14357/20718594190202
Sulavko A.E., Samotuga A.E., Stadnikov D.G., Pasenchuk V.A., Zhumazhanova S.S. Biometric authentication on the basis of lectroencephalograms parameters // IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series. III International scientific conference "Mechanical Science and Technology Update", 23-24 April, 2019. Omsk, Russia. p. 022011 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1260/2/022011
Epifantsev B.N., Lozhnikov P.S., Sulavko A.E. Alternative authorization scenarios for identifying users by the dynamics of subconscious movements // Issues of information security / FSUE "VIMI". - Moscow: 2013, №. 2. pp. 28-35.
Sulavko, A. E. Biometric authentication by keyboard handwriting with force of pressing the keys, parameters of vibration and movements of the operator's hands / A. E. Sulavko, A. R. Khamzin, A. A. Lyzhin, M. D. Novikov, N V. Sednev, S. V. Khabarov // Issues of information protection. - 2018. - №. 2. - pp. 41-50